Tree House Farm

December 2015're dumped.

I've been toying with the idea of getting rid of Facebook for a while. 

Three months ago I went through my 'friends' list and removed people who we don't really know.

I have an iPhone and I of course (like it's totally normal now) have the FaceBook and Messenger app on my phone. I would spend (waste?) possibly 20 minutes a day on FaceBook trying to find friends actual news in all the stuff in the news feed and found it brain numbing.

So much of what I scrolled through were people whining, seeking attention by putting up some vague status so everyone has to ask them what's wrong and annoying or disturbing videos. Social media junk mail...I don't think there's an option for having a no junk mail sign on there?

So I was pondering this as I sat watching my two year old play blocks  on the floor. He looks up with his angelic face and gorgeous brown eyes and so sweetly asks 'you play blocks with me?' I smiled and said 'yes, I'd love to play blocks with you' the smile on his face would light up the night, he just radiated happiness...I held down my finger on the Messenger app then promptly pressed on the crosses to remove the Facebook and Messenger apps from my phone.

I then joined my beaming toddler on the floor where we built castles and houses, knocked them down and started all over again.

So it has been almost a month without those apps on my phone and I don't miss it a bit. I haven't gotten rid of FaceBook completely yet, but am only on it once a week now to try and catch up with friends news.

Update 2017

I have the facebook and messenger app on my phone again. After beaking the 'habit'  I only look through 'Nosebook' a couple of times a week, no mindless scrolling every day :)