February 2016
Mo money
I started learning about investing in the stock market and the idea of early retirement a bit late in the gameā¦ but it's truly better late than never!
Thanks to reading articles by Mr Scott Pape (Barefoot investor) and Mr Money Mustache (MMM) I have really streamlined our finances.
I have bought into some successful businesses (ie shares), refinanced our home loan, saved money on insurance policies, cut our grocery bill spending and stopped buying crap.
I believe the 'stop buying crap' has saved us the most overall so far (thank you MMM and the Minimalists).
While the general financial advice was to not fix our home loan, given my situation as single mum with a mortgage I decided to take advantage of the lowest rates in history and lock it in to give me some peace of mind.
I aim to invest in shares, business ventures and other avenues to create enough passive income to retire from the 9 to 5 day job and spend more time with my gorgeous boys :)
I'll report on my different ventures to see how they go and the kind of returns we get.