Tree House Farm

February 2017

Why I’m not really a minimalist

After being in Ireland for a month last Christmas with my 2 small boys, when I walked back into our house I felt a sense of calm. On reflection it wasn’t just relief that we were home. It was that our house is quite simple.

The room is not very big, but it's (usually) uncluttered.  There are items that I like in the room (ie. stuff) that a hardcore minimalist probably wouldn’t have.  

Most of it is from 2nd hand stores, were give aways, gifts, heirlooms, things kids have made and stuff picked up in our travels.

The (heavy) shabby chic mirror I picked up for $90 at a 2nd hand store…the old $40 pine table that I refinished. Ernie…a very very old black wooden elephant from Africa - brought back by a great great grandparent long ago, Ernie who I played with as a child and my children play with (ie drag around) now.

Everything in the room I like very very much. There is not one item that is not liked, not useful or not required by our family. I have no interest in our house looking like something out of a magazine. I don't shop at places specifically to find stuff to 'decorate' with. I picked up a lovely soft Morgan and Finch throw rug for $3 from St Vincents and it makes the couch comfy.

Even though it's small and we haven't gone out and bought anything fancy (or even new) -  most people that enter our home like it. A few have even walked in and said 'oh my god, it’s gorgeous' which floored me.

I tend to get rid of things that I don’t love or use and I buy nothing further until the space feels right to me. And that changes over time as well :)

And having 2 young boys the room gets 'trashed' often enough! We made Christmas decorations to keep and send to Nanna and Grandad in Ireland...what can I say? I'm sentimental ;)